Add-Relief is a veteran-owned and operated organization that is dedicated to helping you help others. We understand that not everyone is always able to financially donate to charity. Add-Relief was created so you can help those charities you care about just by opening your browser. For more information see our About Us page. Don't forget to add us as your homepage on all of your devices so you can help Add Relief to the world every time you surf the web!
Add-Relief is a veteran-owned and operated organization that is dedicated to helping you help others. We understand that not everyone is always able to financially donate to charity. Add-Relief was created so you can help those charities you care about just by opening your browser. For more information see our About Us page. Don't forget to add us as your homepage on all of your devices so you can help Add Relief to the world every time you surf the web!
Charity Spotlight
8 Ways You Can Give to Charity Without Opening Your Wallet
Almost all of us find ourselves wanting to do something that helps the greater good at some point and time. However, for most of us after we get that "I want to save the world" feeling we quickly come to the realization that we don't have a ton of extra money just laying around looking for something to do. I mean sure we could donate a few bucks here and there, but there are also other ways you can give to charity that don't require you to write a check every month.
2. Donating Your Time
Believe it or not most charity organization don't have a super large staff that carries out all of their different project. A majority of charities rely heavily on the efforts of volunteers. Volunteering is a fantastic way for you to contribute to your local community or help others around the world.
3. Donating What You're Good At
Most of us have something we are really good at. For some of us its cooking, for others it may be constructions or even playing an instrument. Regardless what your good at chances are there is a charity that could use your skills. Typically hiring someone with a specialized skill set costs too much for a non-profit organization to afford, so finding someone that has those skills and is willing to donate them and their time goes a long way to help.
1. Giving Blood
Probably the most common type of donation that we hear about, other than giving money, is giving blood. Organizations like the Red Cross are constantly looking for individuals to donate blood. If you cant find a Red Cross blood donation center near you try calling your local hospital to see if they take blood donations. The simple act of giving just a little bit of your blood has the potential to save someones life.
5. Donating Your Things
Let's face it, we all have a bunch of things laying around our houses that we have touched in years. Most of our things either get pushed further and further back in the closet, get put up for sale in a yard sale or end up in the dumpster during spring cleaning. There are a lot of charity organizations out there and between all of them they could probably use some of that stuff your throwing out. Have an old baseball bat and glove laying around? Find a local youth sports league and ask them if they could use it. There are a lot of kids that would love to play baseball but cant afford the gear. There are even organization that take in old cars, fix them up and then give them to single moms that need something to drive to work.
6. Organizing a Drive
This kind of goes along with donating your things but takes it up a level. If you have the drive and enthusiasm you could organize a drive. Organizing a drive brings your community together to help donate. You could have a coat drive to help the homeless have coats for the winter time, a food drive to help stock your local food pantry or even a school supply drive to help kids that have a hard time affording all of their school supplies.
4. Becoming an Organ Donor
Becoming an organ donor is a fantastic way to make a big impact on the world, even after your gone. People die every day that could have lived if they had an organ donor. Becoming an organ donor is very easy to do, just register with the National Donate Life Registry and designate your donor status on your drivers license or state ID.
7. Getting a Credit Card That is Charity Focused
Ok so for this one you do actually have to open your wallet but it still doesn't cost you anything. We are all constantly swiping our credit cards away all day. Why not do a little extra with that swipe. There are tons of credit cards that are geared to donating to charity and it doesn't cost you anything extra. Every time you use your card a % of that transaction is donated to the charity that card represents.
8. Setting Add-Relief as Your Homepage
All of us use the internet constantly throughout our day. Whether you're surfing the internet looking for what to make for dinner, checking your social media account for the latest cat videos or just checking your email all of that starts by opening your browser. When you set Add-Relief as your homepage you are helping to raise money for charity. We place small ads on the page and use the revenue generated from those ads to help you donate to charity just by doing what you do every day. Every time you load the page you generate ad revenue, you can then tell us who you want us to donate to. At the end of the quarter we take the revue gained from ads that quarter and split it up to the charities that you tell us to give it to. We will also post the financial statement for that quarter so you can see exactly who we gave to and how much we gave. You can find a quick tutorial on how to set your homepage here. You can learn more about the charities we donate to on the Our Charities page. There you will also find a link to each of the charities sites so you can donate to them directly or find ways you can get involved.